Sunday, January 11, 2015

LBCC: Presidential Election for Student Leadership Council

Fall term at LBCC marks the time for a presidential election! This Friday, Jan. 16, is the deadline for applications from presidential hopefuls for the Student Leadership Council.

Current student body president, Adelaine Carter, and vice president, Jeff Lehn, will not run again as they have already had the two year maximum involvement in SLC. Carter will graduate this year with an A.A.O.T. in Political Science and Lehn will graduate with three degrees: Associates of General Studies A.A.O.T.,  Associates of Applied Science Accounting Technology, and Associates of Science Business Administration.

The presidential election will take place towards the end of this month. Students will cast their vote at designated booths on various LBCC campuses (to be announced). The candidate with the most votes will be named president and the candidate with the second most will become the vice president.

The 2015/16 elected officers will inherit the current 14 member team in the SLC office to oversee. Anyone can apply.

For those considering applying, Carter and Lehn provided some insight as to what one can expect to do, learn and accomplish in SLC leadership. Carter offered suggestions as to characteristics one should possess for president.

"[They should be] somebody with a strong personality but someone who also knows when to tone that back, when to lead, when to be firm, and when to observe. Someone who has no qualms with being disliked for a little while if something does go awry. And someone who likes to have fun. At the end of the day we're here to help students have fun."

As for vice president, Lehn offers desired qualities needed for the job.

"It is hard to say what kind of person would be ideal in this position but ultimately it is someone who can work well with anyone. Also, to be able keep all members of the SLC in line with the constitution and bylaws of the group. This is the primary job of the VP." 

The time commitment varies from a part time to full time job, depending on your level of involvement. You will be active on campus sponsoring events, working booths at school-sponsored events, and advocating for fellow peers.

In the SLC presidency, you are required to attend several meetings a month. Once a week you will facilitate an inner-office meeting in which the team discusses campus news, upcoming events, or general awareness. Once a month you will attend the Board of Education meeting with elected officials in the community, and one weekend a month you will attend the Oregon Student Association board of directors meeting.

"It's important the president remembers you're not just sitting at board meetings, you are the face of a team that's working so hard for students."

With learned information, SLC runs awareness campaigns. Last year, for example, they were involved with campaigning for the $34 million bond for LBCC and registering students to vote in the November midterm elections.

"We're the best friend you didn't know you had on campus, that's what student government is," said Carter.

SLC is designed as the bridge between students and the school, and on a larger scale, a bridge between students and the state. Those who hold the president and vice president positions will not only be impacting the student body, they will be grooming themselves for the future.

"I've learned so many leadership skills like time management, how to balance outside work with school work. I've learned everyone has their own leadership style and it's good to go to as many trainings as possible. I've learned to have an open mind to learn what you don't know, that's probably the biggest thing," said Carter.

"The biggest thing that I have learned in the position as VP for SLC is how to be able to work in an office environment with people from all walks of life. In the SLC everyone brings a different story and a different set of talents to the group. It is trying to get all of the personalities to mesh well that has been a learning experience," said Lehn.

Applications can be picked up in the SLC office by the Hot Shot Cafe. Return them with a copy of your official transcript to Barb Horn or Jeff Lehn in SLC. The deadline is Friday, Jan. 16 by 4 p.m.

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