Wednesday, August 20, 2014

LBCC Online Certificates: Introducing LB iLearn Campus

Daycare, work and limited time are inconveniences to potential students. Linn-Benton Community College has a solution.

This October the college will launch the new LB iLearn Campus. This option will offer students a virtual classroom to learn anywhere at anytime. Courses include the same work load and credits earned as classes offered on campus.

"The pacing is their pace," said Ann Buchele, dean of LB iLearn Campus. "We're trying to target students that don't have the means in their life for traditional schooling."

Last October the Department of Labor awarded LBCC a grant which is being used to help jump-start LB iLearn Campus. The goal is to have a self-sustaining program within five years. Cost of tuition is not yet decided.

LB iLearn Campus was designed based on similar programs in the nation.

There will be three programs available to begin with: business administration, social media, and coding and reimbursement specialist. Each of the programs are being beta-tested by students to provide feedback.

Certificates for social media and coding and reimbursement have not previously been offered at LBCC. According to Buchele, labor market studies show there is a high interest in these job fields so the college has decided to add them to the curriculum.

As for business administration, the LB iLearn Campus will offer the same course material as the classes currently taught on campus but is designed for more flexibility for the student.

"It's all about student success and this is a personalized way to do that," said Stacy Mallory, faculty curriculum development for LB iLearn Campus.

Since LB iLearn Campus will not follow the traditional term schedule, a student can enroll on any Wednesday of the year. Students can only enroll in one course at a time to ensure they are focused on the material for that class.

Once enrolled they will receive their course sequencing and start working as fast as they want to go. After completing the material, students will move on to the next course in their program.

"We are very prescriptive of what students are taking and in what order," said Linda Carroll, faculty curriculum development for LB iLearn Campus.

New students will be advised as to what classes in their program they will take based on their needed prerequisites and requirements. Guided help through their course will eliminate error in taking classes not specific to their needs.

LB iLearn Campus will have several faculty positions to monitor progression and assist in course questions.

The LB iLearn Admissions Specialist, Lara Miller, will be the first point of contact for questions. Miller will help guide students in the right direction towards completion.

Students will be assigned a Student Navigator, their go-to person for any questions and to help connect students with appropriate resources. The Content Expert will monitor the students’ work and provide assistance when needed on content and material in the course. The Assessment Evaluator will provide detailed feedback on assignments.

Although courses are done remotely, some assignments involve communication with others to enhance a hands-on learning environment. Activities such as attending community events or interviewing people of interest in their field of study are designed for interaction.

For questions or enrollment contact Lara Miller at

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