Friday, February 13, 2015

The Shifting Job Market

The economy is making a shift from the age of manufacturing to the age of information. With that change comes a transition of what is expected of employees. The days of being an average worker are over.

"Showing up and working hard is no longer sufficient for being rewarded. In order to secure a good paying job in the 21st century, you need to transform yourself into someone who is indispensable," said Mark Urista, Linn-Benton Community College communications instructor.

In the 20th century the U.S. saw a spike in manufacturing and industrial growth. Factories were abundant, as was the need for employees in those factories. An employee with basic writing, reading, and arithmetic skills was considered valuable. In the 21st century, employees are expected to be advanced in those areas, in addition to having a whole new set of skills. 

The 21st century employee quite simply can't just show up on time, do what they are told, and clock out at the end of the day. In today's job market that is not the secret to success and may be the demise of many. Today an employee needs to think outside of the box. 

"The need for people to be able to think rather than just follow directions is really important," said Paul Hibbard, Linn-Benton Community College economics instructor. "If what you do is a job that can be automated and outsourced then your job is going away."

With advancements in technology, people are being replaced by machines at some level in nearly all industries. From a business standpoint this is more cost effective, but from an employee's perspective it means adaptability, flexibility, and progressive thinking.

"Downsizing and reducing labor creates a worker that has to do many different jobs. One not so specialized but generalized," said Janeen Phillips, Linn-Benton Community College career and employment specialist.

It's not about what you know, but how you apply what you know. 

Critical thinking and problem solving are at the top of most employer wish lists for 21st century employees. Regurgitating facts is something of the past, as are the days of sitting in a classroom at a desk of your own and memorizing what you are taught in a textbook.

"There are skills now that weren't valued in traditional jobs and that's taking a situation, stating your thoughts intelligently, analyzing, and finding a solution," said Hibbard.

Millennials, those born after '81, have the world at their fingertips. With the advent of computers, Google, Wikipedia and social networking, information can be gathered about any subject in a matter of seconds. This accounts for much of the shift in the workplace. Since information can be found, experts are not as valued as employees that can research, apply and communicate their findings. Teamwork is becoming essential.

"There is much more emphasis now than 20 years ago about being able to work in a team," said Phillips.

Twenty years ago it was not uncommon for employees to be interviewed by one person. In the job market today it's more common to be interviewed by multiple people. Generally those interviewing are the team, and they are screening candidates who will best fit in with them and their vision. 

"The employers are crying out for soft skills," said Phillips.

Soft skills include the ability to effectively communicate verbally and written, build relationships, resolve conflict, and lead. In an effort to teach and enhance soft skills, institutions are arranging classrooms with group tables rather than single seats, facilitating group activities rather than individual assignments, and providing hands-on learning involving projects and presentations.

Employers don't want employees that can't work with others. 

Not only is working with others important for inner-office politics but it is important for building professional relationships. Today much work can be done from a computer, and communicating with customers is often via email or social network. This is one reason the ability to write is so important in the 21st century.

"I can't think of a single workplace where there is only one employee who never has to interact with others," said Urista. "Well-developed communication skills can help you improve your interactions with coworkers, supervisors, and customers."

Millennials are growing up in a world that is global as opposed to local. A few decades ago it was about what job you could get in the place you lived and how to keep that job until you retired. Today, it’s about using jobs as a stepping stone while you build your resume. This shift creates students for life, and college is only the beginning of the journey.

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